Small wind projects are exploding

People all over the world are erecting small wind turbines all over their properties. Most turbine systems are not large enough to meet a homes entire energy needs. However, small wind turbines can absolutely power computers, air conditioners, and lights for several rooms. For most people who live in semi arid environments, this power generation significantly reduces their electricity needs.

Besides reducing electricity needs it also feeds clean energy into the grid is you decide to hook your system into it. So, many people can force feed clean electricity to their electric company and force them to us what they supply. It is required by federal law that utility companies allow you to feed surplus energy back into the grid and that you are compensated for it.

If everyone with wind resources built small turbines on their properties, the implications for the environment would be astounding. Especially in warmer climates where water heating and winter heating is not required. If these areas can reduce electricity use to lights and computers, the air pollution in the country will drop dramatically.

Using wind power also removes power form corporate interests, and returns it to the people. When utilities see their profits drop out from under them, they will no longer be able to fund teams of lobbyists to further their environmentally degrading agendas.